Being clear about who we are looking to Be Spotted,is crucial when advertising a job on the Dalmatian job board.

Do you want 20 years of experience resulting in a team member who has an abundance of knowledge and a strong progressive background, OR do you want someone with the same years worth of experience, but who has an element of reliable consistency in their work ethic.

I recently read an article that referred to the latter personality type in quite a derogatory way, almost mocking them for being repetitive and boring. At first I was inclined to agree, and almost pigeon holed them as unsuitable BUT…. When I began to think about it, maybe there was a place for both types of people.

Some people; rightly or wrongly, simply want to go to work, earn their pennies and then go home to their loved ones and spend quality time with them. The idea of up-skilling or career progression does not appeal to them at all, but at the same time, the idea of job stability does. Meaning that this type of candidate will provide consistency, reliability and will provide a sense of loyalty to your business. Is this really a bad thing?

Alternatively you may be looking for someone who has a wealth of experience, and a drive to get more. Maybe you’re a business looking for someone with 20 years marketing experience to help bring a new product to market. If so, you may want someone who has 20 years of professional history working with different mediums and products, because they’ll bring with them a backlog of knowledge surrounding what does and doesn’t work. They may also have an eye on future developments and bring to the table innovative promotional ideas using the latest Apps.

When advertising your role it’s important to consider these things. Neither are wrong, but as with the grammatical impact surrounding the sentence, ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves;’ if you aren’t clear about what you are looking to Spot, then you could get up with a mouth full of shoots… or worse!!!

As a Dalmatian client, if you’re looking for a little guidance we are always on hand at Dalmatian to provide support. Just call 01623 287880 or email It’s time to Be Spotted!

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